Good Design
The "fad" of flat design?
There’s been a lot of press these days surrounding Jony Ive, from Apple, bringing flat design to iOS 7. He’s had a direct impact on the design of Apple hardware since 1992 and is now bringing his talent to the software space. A TechCrunch article back in April announced this move with a post titled…

Google's Taking A Bite Out Of Apple
First off, we love Apple. Our phones, tablets, laptops, PCs are all Apple. As an Apple fan though, it’s hard to feel a little more excited these days when reading about Google. We wish this weren’t the case, but it is. There are two key products which are set to be released in the future….
5 User Interface Design Features That Need To Stop
When designing a user interface, it is important to create a good end user experience. In fact, some features that are popular can be a real annoyance to your visitors. In this article, we will cover 5 user interface design features that are commonly seen online that provide a horrible user experience. 1. CAPTCHA As…
Function vs. Design
We came across a great quote recently on an old blog post: “If you can give me an application that can accurately predict tomorrow’s stock market, I’ll put up with the grossest usability issues, even a command line interface. On the other hand, if you give me an application that tells me what already happened…
The Author of Future Technology - Hollywood
“Wow!”, “That’s amazing”, “I’d love to have it”, “Wish this was true” – That is the astonishment Hollywood movies present. It leaves us wondering, “will this really happen one day?” Hollywood is the leading hub for all kinds of acts. It is a place where you meet world-famous actors and actresses, portraying their power of…

How To Improve Fine Strokes In Fireworks CS6
FireWorks’ Stroke feature gives the user three basic options: align to outside, align to center and align to inside. On top of that you can use Photoshop Live Effects Stroke with those same basic options. With simple rectangular shapes there is no visible difference but not all of them rendered equally elegant results when used…
4 Ways To Create Better User Experience
One of the four factors of user experience (UX) is content. It is the visual culmination of all the thinking, testing, coding, planning, and designing that goes into a site. Users can decide in a matter of seconds if all of your painstaking effort is worth it which makes engaging them all more important. Here…
10 Tips For Designing A Usable Interface
Designing a usable interface is about the skills of the designer as well as how they are able to teach the user how to interact with the site. Here are ten tips we have used to design user interfaces: Know your target audience – This is the first question to ask and answer before any…
Should Simplicity Be The Objective Of UX Design?
No one goes into UX design saying, “Let’s make this as complex as possible.” When it comes to design and usability, simplicity is beauty while complexity is corruption. But what constitutes simplicity? Just because something has less does that make it simpler or more desirable? Not necessarily. For one thing, simplicity can be seen as…
Adaptive Design: What It Isn’t And What It Can Be
Adaptive design has sometimes been (mis)understood by designers to mean adding some features to a website or application that will allow users to customize the interface to suit their needs. However, in order for the concept of inclusive adaptive design to really work, we need to understand more about what it isn’t. What adaptive design…