Touch screen tactile feedback and user satisfaction survey
A survey recently conducted (France, Germany and the UK) showed 38% were planning to get a touchscreen on their next mobile phone while only 47% of people who already owned a touchscreen said they would get another one. In other words, less than half of touchscreen owners thought they’d stick with the technology on their…
Useful text editing shortcuts (Mac OS X)
I came across a few useful text editing shortcuts for Mac OS X @ – a site dedicated to all kinds of applications/os syntax… Editing Text (email, TextEdit, Pages, etc) ⌥ ← Move one word left ⌥ → Move one word right ⌘ ← Beginning of line ⌘ → End of line Scroll one…

Microsoft Tablet (Booklet)
Surprisingly good industrial design sets Microsoft’s Tablet (Booklet) apart form Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes & Noble nook, Cybook Opus, PRS-300 and other book readers. It is hard to judge how usable it will be without having one in hand but it sure looks good. If MS comes up with good software support it definitely will attract…
Motorola Droid first impression
I have to admit Android 2.0 looks great. I’m a big fan of the iPhone OS but version 2 of Google mobile OS looks sleek and visually polished. I did not have a chance to play with it yet but the pictures leave a very positive impression. It LOOKS usable enough. Not sure it would…

Mouse for $1200
Intelligent Design has came up with a handcrafted Bluetooth laser mouse. “Grade 1 titanium, high quality plastic resin, a neodymium scroll wheel and impressive design for those who demand perfection at their fingerprints”, and are and willing to pay for it. The price tag is $1200. Well, perfection has never been cheap. I guess the…

Gmail Tasks Usable Feature - Outliner
Gmail Tasks has one very useful feature. It is an outliner that lets you organize tasks into discrete sections that are related in a tree structure or hierarchy. As much as I love OS X Mail and iCal, the ability to quickly break any task into sub-tasks makes a big difference in usability.

Tweetie for Mac
Tweetie for Mac – a Twitter client – has become my new favourite periscope into the Twitter world. I can’t comment on the features as I hardly use any of them but the “Post” button. But what makes it a pleasure to work with is how very polished the app is and its well-thought user…
Rossul Design has been chosen to create UI guidelines for The ABB Group to unify the look and feel of all company products. ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB operates in more than 100 countries and…
iTunes 8 and mysterious absence of song rating keyboard shortcut
I love iTunes. Have been using it since version 1 (or 2 – can’t remember) but certainly for a long time. At the beginning I hesitated to switch to it completely – my pal for a long time was Panic’s Audion. iTunes won. Since then it’s been my jukebox of choice. It keeps getting better…
Adobe Creative Suite 4 (CS4) Usability
I have to say I’m very satisfied with Adobe’s presentation of the new CS4. Here are a few main reasons from a usability standpoint: Adobe focused on workflow and user experience. They kept most of great Macromedia GUI innovations and greatly developed some of them further. FireWorks has become a full member of CS family. PDF workflow is greatly improved…