6 Effective User Design Tips for Inciting User Emotion
Overview: User design for inciting emotion For more than a decade, web designers have focused solely on logical design factors i.e. meeting web standards, choosing layouts & fonts, organizing navigation, etc. Design, however, is evolving at a very fast pace. The focus has shifted to inciting user emotion. Web designers are focusing more on creating…
The Top 5 Usability Myths
When it comes to technology, there are various guidelines that are essential for good user experience. This includes accessibility, user interface, information architectures and usability. UX design is the ultimate human vs. computer interaction where certain methods and techniques are employed to produce a desired, predictable and well-executed result. Accessibility, user interface, information architectures and…
The "fad" of flat design?
There’s been a lot of press these days surrounding Jony Ive, from Apple, bringing flat design to iOS 7. He’s had a direct impact on the design of Apple hardware since 1992 and is now bringing his talent to the software space. A TechCrunch article back in April announced this move with a post titled…
The First Taste Of A Delicious iOS 7
WWDC13 is just around the corner, and the moment we’ve all been waiting for is about to finally arrive – the reveal of iOS 7. While many are waiting in antisipation in order to get the first look at the new design, we feel we already know what to expect. Look no further than the…
Google's Taking A Bite Out Of Apple
First off, we love Apple. Our phones, tablets, laptops, PCs are all Apple. As an Apple fan though, it’s hard to feel a little more excited these days when reading about Google. We wish this weren’t the case, but it is. There are two key products which are set to be released in the future….
The Importance of User Interface Design For Employees
Many business owners and entrepreneurs are fully aware that without a proper website and easy-to-use applications, it is practically impossible to remain competitive in today’s day and age. A lot of importance is being placed on the need to compete with other businesses so that consumers are encouraged to check out the firm’s website and/or…
5 User Interface Design Features That Need To Stop
When designing a user interface, it is important to create a good end user experience. In fact, some features that are popular can be a real annoyance to your visitors. In this article, we will cover 5 user interface design features that are commonly seen online that provide a horrible user experience. 1. CAPTCHA As…
The PC is still alive, and Windows 8 hasn’t killed anything
This week seems to be a hatefest towards Windows 8 and the PC. GigaOM has a post titled “The PC market is a horror show right now”, CBC reported that “PC sales plunge as Windows 8 flops”, and finally, there is a post on The Motley Fool that chimes in “Microsoft’s Windows 8 has failed,…
Function vs. Design
We came across a great quote recently on an old blog post: “If you can give me an application that can accurately predict tomorrow’s stock market, I’ll put up with the grossest usability issues, even a command line interface. On the other hand, if you give me an application that tells me what already happened…
The Author of Future Technology - Hollywood
“Wow!”, “That’s amazing”, “I’d love to have it”, “Wish this was true” – That is the astonishment Hollywood movies present. It leaves us wondering, “will this really happen one day?” Hollywood is the leading hub for all kinds of acts. It is a place where you meet world-famous actors and actresses, portraying their power of…